1. These rules shall be decided and may be amended as necessary by the Management  Committee. The Club Captain is responsible for the application of these rules and the conduct of  members on the green.

2.     Dress Code:

a)    Domestic Leagues and Club Competitions :


Club shirts or white tops, regulation grey trousers / skirts, regulation footwear.


Club shirts or white tops, regulation grey trousers, regulation footwear.

b)   County League matches:


Club shirt, regulation grey trousers or skirt, regulation grey or brown footwear.


Club shirt, regulation grey trousers,  regulation grey or brown footwear.

c)   Friendly games:


Club shirt, regulation grey trousers or skirt, regulation grey or brown footwear.

NB: Whites maybe are required for some games - dress will be as above with white trousers / skirts and white footwear.


Club shirt, regulation grey trousers,  regulation grey or brown footwear.

d)  Club Finals:

Women: Club shirt or white top, grey trousers / skirts, regulation footwear.

Men: Club shirt or white top, grey trousers, regulation footwear.

Footnote: For beginners, during the first month of membership, 2a) above may be relaxed.

e)   Roll-ups:

Smart casual dress with correct footwear.

f)    Members not representing the club in friendly games or County League matches may wish to purchase a club shirt. This may be worn for any games and roll-ups.

3.    Eating and drinking:

Are not allowed beyond a line one metre behind the banks to prevent damage or spillage on the bowling surface. Running is not allowed on the rinks. Mobile phones are not allowed on the rinks and may not be used on the concourse.

4.    Visitors:

Names of members and guests must be entered in the visitors’ book.

5.    Occupation of the rinks:

a)   Club fixtures take precedence, except as in 5d) below.

b)   All league games will be played as shown in the fixture book, except as in 5d) below.

c)  Club / County competition games will be played on fixed dates, or earlier by mutual agreement.

d)  National Competitions can only be arranged through the appropriate Club officer. If it is necessary to cancel league matches, these will be rearranged at an appropriate date and time and team captains will be notified as early as possible. The Committee reserves the right to cancel or rearrange any game in exceptional circumstances.

e)   Rearranged internal league games shall be scheduled by mutual agreement of the opposing captains, subject to rink availability.

f)   Designated roll up sessions should not be arbitrarily disrupted, except under 5c)  or 5d)  above.

g)  During internal club events a bell will sound once at the following times:

11.40,    13.55,    16.10,    18.55,  and  21.10, after which no jack may be cast.

h)  Pre-booked rinks are subject to separate rules laid out for internal league games. All other bookings shall be recorded in the rink book under a designated time slot.

All players must arrange their games to enable following bookings to commence at the stated time.

i)  No person shall be allowed on the bowling surface unless wearing regulation bowls footwear.

j)  Only persons engaged in bowling may be allowed on the bowling surface.

6.   Bowls shoes:

Should not be worn when travelling to Club premises. To avoid grit being trodden into the bowling surface bowling shoes should be put on in the dressing rooms or locker areas.

7.   Bowls bags and shoes

should be confined to the dressing rooms and locker areas, keeping all access routes,  entrances and  exits clear to comply with fire regulations.

May 2018