1.  NAME

The Club shall be called The Brecks Indoor Bowling Club, Thetford.


a.  To promote and foster the game of indoor bowls for its members and the public and to provide, with Parkwood Leisure, facilities at the premises for the game of indoor bowls together with ancillary accommodation for the social needs of its members.

b.  The Club shall be a mixed club but shall include separate Men's and Women's Sections.

c.  The Club shall pursue a policy of equal opportunities and shall be totally opposed to any form of discrimination.

d.  The Club shall encourage activity programmes which shall be at a level appropriate to the needs and aspirations of the community served, encouraging involvement from low participant or disadvantaged groups. An overall balanced programme between men, women and juniors shall be provided.

e.  The Club Coaches shall be responsible for running coaching courses to encourage new bowlers as well as participation from all sections of the Clubs' full members at a level appropriate to the Club and its members, courses being open to all members.

f.  The Club shall have an elected Management Committee, which organises and runs all aspects of the club.


The Club shall be affiliated to the English Indoor Bowling Association, the English Women's Indoor Bowling Association, the Norfolk County Indoor Bowling Association, the Norfolk County Women's Indoor Bowling Association and other bowling associations that the Management Committee deems appropriate.


a.  A committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The actions and decisions of the committee shall be reported to the members after approval by the committee. The Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer have the authority to deal with Parkwood Leisure on behalf of the Management Committee concerning policy, financial organisation, membership and other matters in connection with the proper business and conduct of the club.

b.  The Management Committee shall consist of:

Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Domestic League Secretary, Competition Secretary, Social Secretary, Ladies' Captain, Ladies Secretary, Men's Captain.


In addition to the committee the following positions will be filled by appointment by the Management Committee or nomination and election at the AGM:

a. Club coaches

b. Safeguarding Officer

c. Green Keeper.

d. The Men's and Ladies' Vice Captains will be delegated by the respective Captains.


Sub-Committees may from time to time be appointed as required by the Management Committee. Sub-Committee Chairpersons are to be members of the Management Committee and are to report to the Management Committee.


The Annual General Meeting shall be held on the Club Premises on a date to be agreed during the third week in March each year.The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be:

a.   To receive and adopt from the Secretary a written report on the general condition and progress of the Club during the preceding year.

b.   To receive and adopt from the Treasurer a written report and statement of financial accounts.

c.   To elect the following officers of the Club for the ensuing year:

        Chairperson                                   Vice Chairperson
        Secretary                                        Treasurer
        Domestic Leagues Secretary     Competition Secretary
        Ladies' Captain                              Men's Captain
        Ladies Secretary                           Social Secretary

d.  Every three years to elect Ladies President and Gentlemen's President to act in an ex-officio capacity.

e.  To appoint an examiner of financial accounts.

f.   To transact any other business of the club of which due notice (three weeks) has been given to the Honorary Secretary, in writing, with the name of the proposer.

g.  Nominations for Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, and Committee members must be submitted twenty-one days prior to the AGM The election to be by majority of those present and entitled to vote.

h.  The AGM agenda, together with the names of nominees for the Club's Officers shall be exhibited on the Notice Board at least Fourteen days prior to the AGM

i.   The minutes of the previous AGM and a statement of accounts for the previous year, together with the report mentioned in sub para (a) shall be available, on request, ten days prior to the AGM.

j.   Voting is restricted to club full members. In the event of a tie, the chairperson shall have the casting vote.

k.  At the conclusion of the meeting an open forum will take place to discuss any other business relating to club affairs.


a.  The Secretary shall call an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) when so directed by the Management Committee, or upon receipt of a requisition to do so signed by twenty full members, or one fifth of the total full membership, which ever is the lesser, such requisition to state the business for which the EGM. is called. Fourteen days notice shall be given of such meeting to the members.

b.  Voting is restricted to full members.


a.  There are two categories of membership, Full and Junior.

b.  Members of low income or disadvantaged groups may spread payment of their subscriptions upon application to the Treasurer.

c.  All applications for membership will be addressed to the Secretary who will arrange a meeting with two members of the Management Committee. If the committee members feel the application should be refused, then it will be referred back to the full Management Committee for adjudication.

d.  Full membership can be granted to any person over the age of 18 years including minority ethnic groups and disabled people. Young people under the age of 18 are encouraged to become junior members before becoming full members.

e.  When the applicant has been elected, a notice to that effect shall be sent to him/her with request to submit to the Secretary his / her subscription within seven days, except as in sub paragraph (b).

f.  The annual subscription shall be recommended by the Management Committee and determined at the Annual General Meeting. All subscriptions are due on the 1st day of September and shall be paid by the fifteenth day of September. Any member failing to pay his / her subscription by the period allowed shall be informed thereof by the Secretary. Any member after such notification, failing to pay within fourteen days shall cease to be a member of the Club, except as in sub paragraph (b).Should a member wish to re-join the Club after this period then he/she will be liable for the full subscription. Junior members shall be eligible to become full members upon attaining the age of eighteen years of age.

g.  No member shall take part in any National or Club/County competition until the current subscription has been paid.

h.  A member wishing to introduce a guest may do so by first entering their own and their guest's name in a book provided for that purpose.

i.  Visitors and non-members may use the bowling facility and/or join in the club roll-ups, subject to rink availability. Visitors and non-members must complete the visitor/non-member book and the daily rink diary and pay the appropriate rink fee. The Committee shall have the power to refuse permission to any guest without assigning a reason.

j.  Members of visiting teams shall be entitled to the privileges of membership as Honorary Members for the day of their visit only

k.  Bowls players staying in the district may become temporary members of the Club for a period of not less than one, or more than four weeks on payment of a special subscription which shall be paid in advance.Every member shall, before leaving the Club, pay all outstanding charges incurred by her/him.


a.  To be responsible for the general conduct of the Club according to these rules.

b.  To ensure a Register of Membership is maintained

c.  To carry out the instructions of the Management Committee and be responsible for the preparation of the agenda and taking the minutes of all Management Committee meetings.

d.  To prepare and present all the documentation necessary for the Annual General Meeting (AGM).


a.  To receive all subscriptions and monies on behalf of the Club and enter the same regularly in the cash account.

b.  To ensure that cash and other receipts are paid into the Club accounts within seven days of receipt, at the bank approved by the Management Committee

c.  To attend Management Committee meetings and prepare the annual balance sheet up to last day of August each year. The financial year shall be a period of twelve months from the first day of September to the thirty first day of August.


a.  All Rules will be in accordance with the Publication “Laws of The Sport of Indoor Bowls,” published by the World Indoor Bowls Council (WIBC). Only the modifications outlined in a separate document and published by the management committee will be incorporated for Clubs Domestic requirements otherwise WIBC rules apply.

b.  The Committee shall be responsible for reviewing these Club Rules as and when deemed necessary. Any amendments can only be considered and implemented at the Annual General Meeting of the Club or at an Extraordinary Meeting called to consider any such amendments.


The Club fully accepts its legal and moral obligations to exercise its duty and care and to protect all young persons and vulnerable adults participating in its activities, and to safeguard their welfare. The Club is committed to do this by acknowledging that:

a.  The welfare of the young person or vulnerable adult is paramount.

b.  Each young person or vulnerable adult, irrespective of age, religion, race or disability, has the right to protection from abuse.

c.  Each young person or vulnerable adult has the right to be safe and to be treated with respect and dignity. We shall use our best endeavours to ensure that:

(i)   All allegations of abuse are taken seriously.

(ii)  The response to them is swift and appropriate.

(iii  The effectiveness of The Club's policy is reviewed annually,

(iv) The Safeguarding Officer shall be appointed by the Management Committee to whom members, parents or carers can address any concerns.


All references to Committee under this section shall be taken to mean the Management Committee.

a.   If a member wishes to complain about an offence, he/she should raise this in a letter to the Secretary who will start an “Initial Inquiry”.

b.  An initial inquiry will be held by the Committee to establish whether or not there is a case to answer. It is not essential for the alleged offender to be present at this stage, although he/she will be made aware that they are being investigated and the reason for the investigation. The minutes of this inquiry will be recorded in writing.

c.  If the initial inquiry determines that there is a case to answer, the alleged offender will be advised of the allegation against him/her, in writing, by the Secretary and invited to attend a hearing by the Committee. The alleged offender will be informed that he/she has a right to be represented at the hearing. At the hearing, the Committee will reiterate the allegations, allowing the alleged offender to answer, and then ask whatever questions are deemed to be relevant, both the questions and answers will be recorded. The hearing will also hear evidence from any witnesses. The minutes of this hearing will be recorded in writing. Having heard all the evidence, the Committee will determine whether the offender is guilty of the offence or not. If it decides guilty, it will then determine what action if any, is to be taken. (It is important that any action is seen to be what a fair and reasonable person would deem appropriate having regard to the offence committed).

d.  The Committee's decision will be communicated to the offender within 48 hours and will include:

(i)  Details of the offence.

(ii) Details of the decision of the Committee and the action to be taken.

(iii) An explanation of the offender's right of appeal to the Club at a general meeting.

(iv) An explanation of the Appeal Procedure.

e.  The Appeal Procedure. This is an essential part of the discipline procedure and the offender will be advised of his/her rights regarding this.

(i)  Any request for an appeal hearing must include the basis of the request, e.g. new evidence, unreasonable disciplinary action by the Committee, etc.

(ii) Any request for an appeal hearing must be made, in writing, to the Secretary within 14 days following receipt of the decision at the Disciplinary hearing. The Extraordinary General Meeting shall take place within twenty eight days of the receipt of an appeal request.

(iii) The offender may be represented at the hearing if he/she wishes.

(iv) Following receipt of a request for an appeal hearing, the Committee will call an Extraordinary Meeting. The offender (who has the right to be represented) will have the right to put a case forward explaining why he/she believes the decision of the Committee to be unacceptable, He/she may introduce witnesses who may have other information about the alleged offence, or who may simply be character witnesses. When all the evidence has been provided, full members will consider the case and take a vote. Full members have the option of confirming the decision of the Committee or changing it in the light of additional information provided at the EGM.The decision of the meeting is final and binding, and will be minuted and communicated to the offender in writing.

20 March 2018